Bahria University is pursuing establishment of the Pakistan Maritime Science &Technology Park (PMSTP) in line with the Govt’s decision to declare 2020 as “The Year of Blue Economy” & the vision of the Pro Chancellor BU/Chairman BoG.


PMSTP’s primary objective is to jumpstart Pakistan’s Blue Economy through growth of maritime sciences, technologies and businesses. This project will act as a catalyst for the development of Pakistan’s Blue Economy’s industries which are capable of contributing $ 70-80 billion annually to national GDP and another hundreds of billions dollar by tapping Pakistan’s offshore hydrocarbon/ mineral potential (assessed value 5-10 trillion dollars).


PMSTP will provide a much needed platform for academia, industry and government collaborations, whereas its maritime innovation eco system will facilitate production of state of the art technologies and maritime products of global standard. It will also help in mapping/exploitation of untapped maritime resources of Pakistan. It will provide an opportunity for creation/exchange of scientific knowledge for emerging industrial needs and create technological & business solutions for maritime communities of Pakistan and its partners.  


Key Roles.

Key roles of PMSTP are as follows:

  • Create and maintain innovation eco-system comprising Centres of Excellence, Research Centres, Design Houses, Laboratories, Skill Development Centre and Industrial Zones.
  • Promote maritime research, entrepreneurship and commercialization of high-end technologies and products.
  • Incite industries, academia and government for effective collaboration in development of selected maritime sciences and technologies having higher impact on blue economy.



Land for construction of PMSTP infrastructure has been provided by Pakistan Navy.  PMSTP innovation eco-system will comprise of various Research Design & Development (RD&D) Centers, Design Houses, Laboratories, Centres of Excellence, Incubators, Universities Campuses Zone, Networking Spaces, Resident Partners’ offices and products display centers. Setting-up of these components will be done in phases for which necessary funding through Government(PC-1) and willing partners is being pursued.



Directorate of PMSTP is working under Pro-Rector (RIC) and its present complement is as follows.


S.No Name Designation Contact No Email
a. Commodore Arshad M. Khan SI(M), (Retd) Director PMSTP Ext: 1560, +923333014054
b. Ms Sabeen Arif, Senior Assistant Professor Chief Legal Advisor and Deputy Director PMSTP 1



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