Academic Guidance


Bahria University provides academic guidance to all students through a team of professional student advisors, whose main objective is to help the students improve their chances of academic success. The student-advisor relationship is a partnership which has responsibilities on both sides. The responsibilities of the student advisors are:


  1. Guiding the student in selecting courses.
  2. Informing and explaining admission procedure.
  3. Explaining how to transfer credits.
  4. Assisting in the general adjustment to university life.
  5. Serving as a resource person.
  6. Guiding students to meet graduation requirements.


It is the responsibility of every student to know his/her degree requirements, to be acquainted with university policies, and to obtain course-scheduling information. The student is encouraged to meet with his/her advisor to inform him/her of any problems that may affect academic performance, and to make use of the advisor’s expertise in order to achieve his/her academic goals in the most effective way. The student is responsible for completing all the degree requirements, including the pre-requisites of the courses.


Talent Enhancing Activities


We offer learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. Students are encouraged to join different societies of the University, such as:


  1. Marketing Society.
  2. IT Society.
  3. Entertainment Society.
  4. Debating Society.
  5. Sports Society.


When they become members of these societies the students work closely with the staff and faculty in coordinating extra-curricular activities and providing opportunities for their personal and professional advancement. They can, for example, arrange picnics, sponsor study tours, invite guest speakers, coordinate seminars and sports events and publish magazines.


Partnership in Learning

The relationship between Bahria University and the students is best defined as building a mutually beneficial partnership, in which both the students and the university work towards a common goal – to enable the students to achieve their potential while giving them the best student experience. This partnership includes specifying objectives and standards for all the services offered by the University to the students, and identifying the principles which a student should adopt for the partnership to be mutually beneficial. A summary of the main responsibilities of this ‘partnership in learning’ is given below to give the student a flavour of the kind of commitment and principle that we follow in order to provide him/her the best student experience that we can create.


The University will:

  1. Provide suitable support and guidance services including personal counseling and career advice.
  2. Involve the students in a decision-making process regarding academic matters. This is done through a process of evaluation based on regular feedbacks from the students.
  3. Maintain an independent and impartial method for dealing justly with appeals, complaints and redress.

The students on their part will:

  1. Avail the educational opportunities given to them, including taking active part in seminars, tutorials and group projects.
  2. Engage other students and teaching staff in intellectual debate and inquiry.
  3. Respect coursework deadlines and other assessments requirements.
  4. Conduct themselves in such a way that all students get equal opportunities to take part in university life (i.e. have respect for the Code of Conduct and the equal opportunities policies).
  5. Contribute towards the improvement of courses, syllabi and curriculum through their class representatives.



Our internship programme helps the students and their prospective employers to get to know each other, thus increasing the students’ prospects of securing permanent employment after they graduate. The minimum internship period for graduating students of Bachelor and Masters Programmes is six weeks. The students must meet the following requirements before they can be recommended by their respective institutes for internships:


  1. Complete a minimum of four semesters if he/she is in the BBA/BS programme, and a minimum of two semesters if he/she is in the MBA/MS programme.
  2. Should have secured minimum CGPA 2.5 at the end of the time periods mentioned above.
  3. The student will work on a project during his/her internship period and submit a report to the University at the end of it for evaluation. This report must have a certificate from the organization in which the internship was carried out; otherwise it will not be evaluated. The Institute will award the report a grade of acceptable/unacceptable status depending on its quality.
  4. Procedure /duration of Internship at IPP (Institute of Clinical Psychology)may vary according to the requirements of the Institute.


Student Code of Conduct

Integrity and honesty are the basic foundations on which we build up the character values of our students. Amongst other initiatives in this field we have set up a Student Discipline Committee which monitors the activities of the students, and is empowered to maintain the required standards at Bahria. These include:


  1. Prevent unauthorized use of Bahria University’s name and logo.
  2. Ensure a harassment-free environment (sexual harassment or others, or intimidation of any member of the university community while on university premises, or during university sponsored events).
  3. Punctuality in attending classes.
  4. Wearing of correct or appropriate dress.
  5. Eradication of horse play and skylarking in the cafeteria and common areas.
  6. See that all bills and dues are cleared on time


Student Card

Students are issued Student Identity Cards which they have to display while on campus. No one is permitted entry into the University without this ID Card.



Smoking is strictly prohibited within the University premises.


Academic Dishonesty

Download Academic Dishonesty Guidelines